Upgrading Sewerlines in DCBE
January 09, 2024
Acton Municipal Utility District will be upgrading sewer lines located in the 6400 & 6500 block of Circo Dr. Contracted construction crews should be mobilizing equipment and materials the week of January 10,2024. The duration of construction should be no more than 40 days.
Before construction you may notice survey crews,locators and sewer line camera inspection crews accessing the easements on and around your property. During the construction process you may notice periods where holes or pits are left open, traffic lane restricted down to one lane or closed off and various heavy equipment located in the area. All pits will be properly barricaded and in the event that traffic has to be altered there will be flaggers in the area.The working areas have been photographed and documented in order to restore the property to as close to its pre-existing condition as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Any interruptions in service are not expected. In the event of any planned interruption though, we will notify you and make every effort to restore service as soon as possible. If there are any questions feel free to contact our office Monday thru Friday 8:00am-4:30pm.
T.J Riggio
Acton Municipal Utility District